Final Vienna Posts: Vienna Performance Destinations

Wiener Staatsoper:
First, of course, I returned to the Wiener Staatsoper several times toward the end of my time in Vienna. I went to two operas with Catherine, La boheme and Nabucco. La boheme was a great production with famous singers designed by Zeffirelli. There was no better opera for a young couple to see together. Nabucco was flat out confusing, but like every opera I saw, a learning experience. It took some work to get pictures of me and even the usher I had befriended was shooing us out by the end, so sadly we didn't get the pictures we wanted in the actual Stehplatz area of the opera house. Still, Both Catherine and I got a picture there, and I also got a picture of myself with my iPad - a key tool in whiling away the waiting time and in looking up information about the operas I was seeing.
We went at night but I returned in the day to get a picture of the building's exterior |
The Musikverein's Großer Saal is renowned as one of the best halls, in terms of acoustics, in the world, if not the best (for instrumental performances, at least). I knew I had to go sometime while I was in Vienna. Sadly I missed the time when the Wiener Philharmoniker was at home performing there, but Catherine and I were able to attend a Bach mass. It would have been better to see something like Mahler that was actually composed for that location and made more use of the space and (gasp) didn't have voices. Still, it was a great experience and a "must-do" for a music lover in Vienna.
We had fancy tickets, too! |
Contrary to the Musikverein, the pull of the Wiener Konzerthaus was not the hall itself but that the Wiener Sängerknaben (Vienna Boys Choir) would be performing as part of Bach's Weihnachtsoratorium or Christmas Oratorio. Because of its length (and because they could make more money) the work was split over two days. The Boys Choir did not play a large role, but I gained appreciation for the work and I enjoyed seeing the Boys Choir since they are world renowned.
Spanische Hofreitschule:
A diversion from music, I went to one performance of the Spanish Riding School. This group is also known for their famous performances, and seats, especially for their more formal performances, are incredibly expensive or even unattainable at any price (not unlike the Wiener Philharmoniker). Sadly, I got lost on my way there (in my final few weeks in streets I'd walked many times!) and showed up quite late to the performance. Thankfully, they still were able to take me to my seat. I missed the showing of the "young horses," not yet grown horses that were being trained. I still got to see the whole show, more or less, of the adult horses being trained/shown off (I can't recall or maybe never knew whether they were all in training or some were active show horses). It was cool to see. Horse shows aren't something I have any particular affinity for or know much about, but it was an exciting, impressive show that reminded me what amazing animals horses are.
My best attempt at a photo in terrible circumstances |
Wiener Volksoper:
Not going to the Wiener Volksoper's productions for the entire time I was in Vienna was a big mistake. Certainly I had my hands full with shows at the Wiener Staastoper approximately every fourth day, classes, traveling, etc. I also didn't love the works they were presenting in some cases. Still, they present a different side of opera with high quality but less developed productions featuring generally younger singers. In this case, I had the opportunity to see a production of Madame Butterfly that was actually far superior to the one I saw at the Staatsoper. The production was thought provoking with its twist ending in which Butterfly refuses to kill herself and Puccini (a character in this production) orders the rest of the cast to kill her. It was a great experience and if I ever lived in Vienna again I would make sure to catch productions at the Volksoper regularly.
I did Standing room at the Volksoper, too. The house is smaller, though, so the view was great! |
So all in all, a great run of final performance destinations and final performances. Things I missed, though: Bruce Springsteen. Sorry Dad.
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