The Youth Hostel |
Today I got up fairly late and went for my housing interview. Mostly this was the housing coordinator trying to convince me that it's okay that I'm in the new homestay and not the residence hall. I told him I was actually quite satisfied, but he did say I could switch if it didn't work. I then received paperwork, including my police registration form, and was sent on my way.
Afterward, I had the great opportunity of going back to Mariazell. I could've gone to the lake, instead, and I'm sure it was quite beautiful, but since I didn't want to swim in the cold water, it seemed like the better option was to go back to town. I first made some necessary and unnecessary purchases. I bought a rosary, some ice cream, and some locally baked gingerbread, and a phone coupon for phone minutes. I also bought some postcards of the magnificent portions of the Basilica, since you cannot take pictures inside (probably for preservation and because it's a working church for pilgrims.
The Basilica (in which you cannot take pictures) |
I got to use some german in making these purchases (3/4 were in German). It's broken, but it works. I also got to sit with an old lady and talk to her (her English was as bad as my German) about where I was from, why I was here, and how nice Mariazell is.
The Gallery (just an example of their holdings) |

I later went to the area out in the cliff behind the church and went in and lit a candle for Chino (not Catholic to do it for an animal, but still) and for Percy (though I didn't know him too well). I then went back to the Basilica and looked around more, gazed at both altars, and went into the gallery. I was not allowed to take photos in the gallery, but did sneak a few. The artifacts are ones brought in thanks or in reverence for Maria of Mercy. Perhaps one of the most amazing things in the Basilica is the Baroque organ. They don't play it anymore, and it's very hard to get a photo, but I've included the one that I was able to get.

The evening consisted of my walking up to the chapel on the hill behind the hostel and then getting waltz lessons from some of the staff. It was a good refresher for things I'd learned before, and I was glad to have it. Perhaps I'll get to a ball sometime in Vienna; there are a few out of season ones in November and December. I'd best get to bed, because tomorrow we have orientation sessions and then the journey back to Vienna and the big move in, meeting the landlady, and getting my Polizei Meldzettel signed so I can take it in Monday morning!
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