Murano The canals of Murano My final day in Venice I planned to visit the island of Murano and see what I could see there. I travelled from Mestre to Santa Lucia once again on the train before struggling to figure out which train would take me to Murano. I finally figured it out and made my way. After about thirty minutes, I arrived. The great thing about going to these lesser known islands is that there are fewer tourists, and the ones who are there tend to be what I might call educated tourists, ones who are there to see the sights, but who can cultivate a real intellectual and emotional appreciation for them, rather than just gawking and loudly exclaiming at them. Murano as an island, likewise, is a slightly more open, and more accessible Venice. The waterways that intersect it are, for the most part, much broader, more like avenues than streets or alleyways. Further inland are homes, but lining the avenues almost exclusively are shops selling glassware, interspersed, of ...